Your tractor is the backbone of your enterprise, so it’s natural to start taking it for granted. Fight against that feeling though, because your rugged, durable and powerful tractor also needs some TLC from time to time. This is necessary to ensure all its parts and systems stay in optimal working condition so it can continue to work for you for years, if not decades! 

At New South Tractor, we know that properly caring for your farm equipment is one of the essential parts of owning them. We’ve listed out some DIY maintenance steps you can take to keep your machine in top shape. If you need professional tractor service and repair in Newton, NC, contact us and have a talk to one of our trained technicians. If you’re looking for tractors for sale near Asheville, get in touch with our sales department for further assistance!

Visual Inspection

The first step to any kind of maintenance is to visually inspect the machine. It’s a good idea to walk around the tractor and inspect it to see if there are any obvious problems that need your attention. Look for any leaks, loose hoses or misplaced cables. You can fix leaks by tightening attachments or ensuring that the hose is connected properly. Make sure you check the glass sediment bowl under the fuel filter. If there’s water or material in there, that means there could be something wrong with the fuel, fuel filter, or engine, and it might need to be taken into the shop.

Radiator Fluid and Engine Oil

When you’re using a piece of heavy equipment like a tractor all day long, make sure it has enough coolant and lubricant to keep the engine and radiator going. Overheating engines is a sureshot way to end up with big repair bills sooner or later. Check the fuel levels regularly and top off as needed. Gradual loss of fluids is normal but if you find you’re having to replace it a lot, there could be a problem. If you think this is the case, take care to check periodically throughout the day, and if it’s clearly an issue, don’t hesitate to have the tractor serviced.

Engine oil is crucial for keeping your tractor running smoothly so it requires some regular attention from you. Avoid checking the oil on a cold engine. Start the tractor up and let it run for a few minutes before shutting it off and waiting a couple of minutes more. Then check the dipstick like you would on another vehicle: take it out, wipe it off, reinsert, then pull it out again for a clear reading. The oil should be light in color, but if it’s discolored and sludgy then it’s time for an oil change and filter replacement. Otherwise, top levels off to the indicated level and move on.


You should know that fresh fuel is very important for your tractor. If you use your machine often enough, this shouldn’t be an issue at all. However, if you’ve stored your tractor away for a while or haven’t operated it for sometime, you should check the oil and replace it with fresh fuel if required. If you’re storing your tractor for more than a week, put fuel stabilizer in it because this will keep water from collecting or separating out of the fuel, which can either rust right through the tank or else get sucked into the engine and cause all kinds of issues.


Tires are an important part of your tractor so you should take good care of them as per your model’s recommendations. It’s unsafe to work on tires with low air pressure so check it with a tire pressure gauge before you get to work. You’ll find the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure in PSI either printed on the tire wall, in your owner’s manual, or on the manufacturer’s website. 

If you’re not sure what pressure to set it to, you can adjust it a little for particular tasks. For instance, if you’ll be driving on the road, the tires should have a few extra pounds of pressure so they hold firm on the rough pavement. On the other hand, when tilling, you can drop the pressure a few pounds below the recommended setting. When loading, you want more pressure in the front tires, and if hauling something heavy, the rear tires could use a few extra pounds.

We hope these tips help you take better care of your machine! These are the simple tasks you can take care of at home, but for more complex problems, you should turn to trained professionals to avoid damaging your equipment further. As your local tractor dealer in Newton, NC, New South Tractor's service department is here for all your expert service and repair needs. If you want to check out tractors for sale near Asheville, contact our sales department to see our wide selection!